October 21, 2014
Okay this is Elder George's mom and if I can make it through my tears of pure gratitude I will share our tender mercy and time with Gabriel this week.
He had told us in his last letter that he may be calling if it all worked out. I had already had my most tender mercy ever when I got pictures and video of my two favorite missionaries in the world getting to hug each other in the Atlanta Airport! Really that one will last a solid 2 years!
This morning at 5:30 my cell phone rang. Now first, that I even heard it is amazing as I NEVER bring my phone into my bedroom at night (definitely gotta change that). But last night as I was trying to complete the Book of Mormon, so as to be done along with him in the two week time frame he had given two weeks ago, I had it in my bathroom as I was brushing my teeth listening to the last chapter in Moroni. I left it on my counter.
Total side note: I love Moroni. I am so thankful that he included the "epistles" from his father. Moroni 7:2-3 are words that I could speak to my son. As are the beginning words of Moroni 8. I love how Mormon says, "But behold, my son, I recommend thee unto God, and I trust in Christ that thou wilt be saved:" As I read the words in these verses I was pretty weepy. My two faithful missionaries were foremost in my thoughts. My most distinguished honor is that Father entrusted me to be mother to my 5 children. There are truly no honors that can be bestowed by man that will ever equal that of motherhood.
Anyhow, back to my phone ringing at 5:30 this morning. I didn't make it to the phone in time. I looked and saw that it was totally definitely a wrong number. But I pick it up as I walked from my bedroom to let our dog out of our daughters bedroom. As I was walking back into our room the phone rang again. I look and there was that wrong number. I said, "Hello." A young man's voice that I didn't recognize, as of course I wouldn't since it was a wrong number, said, "Hi, who is this." My response, "Kelly." The stranger on the other end said, "Hi." Still in some cobwebby confusion trying to figure out why this young man didn't just say, "Oh sorry I got the wrong number." I said, "Who is this?" He said, "Your son." Not gonna lie it still took me a solid 5 seconds to wrap my head around what he had said. Then I was such a mess I did know what to say.
I think I managed, "Oh, oh, um, how are you doing?" Then it took longer than it should for me to put it on speaker phone so his dad could listen in. I swear I must have had a frontal lobotomy while I was sleeping. He sounded so good. But I think we text WAY too much these days because somehow it still didn't sound like my Gabriel! Not for a little bit anyway. He told us that he was really tired. That they had put him in charge of the travel for all of the missionaries from Lima to Cusco. He said that he had gone to bed at 11:30 and had gotten up at 2:30 to get everyone else up and going. As we were talking Sydney walked into our room to listen. Then he said, "I am going to call you back. I have to go get some more soles. He said, "I love you." We said, "I love you." And he was gone.
Hannah walked in and said "I am really glad I woke up early and was sleeping on the couch so I could hear Gabe." I told Sydney to run down and get Lacey as she would never talk to us again if we left her out. In mere moments all three girls were in my bed. And there we waited. Hoping that he really would be able to call us! It seemed like forever, but I know it wasn't before the same number popped up on my screen and the phone was ringing.
I said, "Hi Gabe! We are all here." He gave a quick laugh and I said, "Here's Sydney." He said, "Hi Syd," and her little voice cracked with tears as she said, "Hi Gabe." Then we went to Hannah. They said hi to each other. No tears, just happiness in both voices! When we got to Lace there were once again a sad voice in Idaho but the happy voice in Peru remained! Brad asked him to say the name of the church in Spanish. That was a little joke between the two of them. Brad had practiced with him for a couple of weeks before he left for Peru and Gabe could just never get it. Brad later told me that he could tell that there had been lots of practicing of that and Gabe had said it well. He talked a little with his dad as we all listened in. Then Lacey, who had cleaned the bathroom the night before, as well as the drawers he used said, "Gabe, can I ask you a question?" He said sure. She explained that she had cleaned the bathroom and that she had found 7 or 8 empty body wash bottles in his drawers and asked why. He said, "I don't know. I just didn't want to bother to take them upstairs I guess. But Lace, I am a changed man! I would never do that now. I have had to do all of the cleaning for these guys because they just . . . oh it is not very clean. Really yucky." We all got a little giggle out of that.
Because of the letter about the Latinos stealing pictures of Molly, Lacey and Sierra, I asked if we needed to send him more pictures. He laughed and said, "No, I gathered them all up but man they are crazy for white girls. Just last night I had to go get one back. There is a Latin elder who has only been a member of the church for 2 years. Before that he was a thief. I had to go to his room and there was my picture of Molly. I told him that I was leaving and that I really needed my picture back. He picked it and said, (the only word I remember out of the sentence Gabe said the elder said). . . matrimonio? I said, 'NO! You can't marry her!'" He then proceeded to tell us that they really love to look at his pictures. They think Hannah is so cute. Lacey and Molly he told us they think are gorgeous. And Sydney is just at that age when she is trying to decide if she wants to be cute or beautiful.
There were a group of 20 that was coming from the CCM (Spanish for MTC) in Lima but they were waiting for a group that was coming from the Provo MTC as well. We talked for just a little longer and then he said, "I only have 5 more seconds and I just want you to know that I love you!" That was it. He was gone. And I cried. Not because I was sad but because my heart was truly full.
October 25, 2014
So our dear friends from Sandy have a daughter who is Miss Molly's age who has been serving a mission in Cusco. Of course she would be leaving to go home the same transfer when Gabriel is coming into Cusco! For 10 amazing years my children were partially raised in their home. Our children match each other age wise, except all Irvine children are just a few months to a few days older than the George children. Kenzie and Molly, Kaitlyn and Gabriel, Zach and Lace, Ashleigh and Syd, - - Hannah is odd man out.
Anyway, Kenzie's family went to pick her up. We have all been waiting for Kaitlyn's mission call. She got her prayers answered as she wanted to get her call right before they went to pick up her older sister so they could open it in Cusco. Yesterday I got this text from them, "We just opened Kaitlyn's mission call on the Mount of Saqjuam in Cusco. She is going to the Morris Town New Jersey mission. She leaves February 18. Oh and we haven't ran into Gabe yet. He got sent to Puno with an Elder Lazuli (I think that is the name)." Kenzie served in Puno, I remember that from her blog. Thanks Irvine's for giving us an update!
Then a little later I got an email with pictures attached! Thank you office elders of the Cusco Peru mission!
He has that cherished black name tag!!! |
I count 30! Thirty new missionaries! Pray for all Mission Presidents! I do! |